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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I've been out!!!

So I have been having a life and totally forgot I started a blog sometime back, figures... It's called MOMNESIA.
All mothers have it, when you have children are working, taking care of them oh and not to mention married , things sort-of get in the way of all the extra stuff. Like um...a blog. Any-who, I will try to remember I have it and then will try to remember to write on it. Fair enough right. OK now let me tell you about a few new things I have been watching. First, Missing! OMG this is a very good action packed mama drama. Ashely Judd, moviestar, is the main character whose son went missing. She is an ex CIA agent trying to find him. It is good. Check your local listings. I am also into Castle, Harry's Law(of course) , following Idol and the Voice. I love the singing shows. I come from a family of singers, Aunts, Mom, Grandmas and Uncles. Yeah pretty much everyone. Well that's it for now, hopefully I will be back soon.